Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Heading SOUTH! We hope.
The boat is ready. Now if the weather cooperates we will be out of here tomorrow, or at the latest Friday. Our concern right now is temperature. The nights have been in the 40s here in Brunswick and we are worried that if we anchor out and don't have power it might be too cold for Morgan. So we watch the weather carefully and head out when we know it will be warm enough at night for the bird.
This week has had its challenges. On Sunday I changed the oil in the engine. That went OK. Then I started the engine to make sure everything else was working OK but noticed a slight leak in the sea water pump. Yuck. I pulled the pump out and took it apart thinking a new impeller and seal would fix the problem. Nope. The inner workings of the pump were badly worn, bearings and seals bad, etc. I checked the Jabsco website to see if a rebuild kit was available. Yes, sure, it was available. BUT...the kit I needed was $317! A whole new pump was about $350 so rather than take a chance of not getting it back together right, I just ordered a whole new pump. It came in on Tuesday and I had it installed and running the same day. Now there are no leaks.
We had had the yard man put in a new gasket on the valve cover in July and now it seems we have no oil leak either. Hey, there's a novelty - a clean, dry engine room! For now anyway. It is a 30 year old engine, after all.
This last week has been one of socializing as well. Bev's friend Jane and her friend Tony are sailing from Cape Cod to St. Pete in his Catalina 27 "Patience." They stopped by along with a buddy boat "Hawks Nest." In addition to Tipsy McSway's for trivia night, we also had several dinner parties on Queequeg, one on Hawks Nest and one next door on "Grace." Whew! Whirlwind social life. Tonight it's Tipsy's trivia again along with Jim and Bruce from Hawks Nest and our friends Mike and Shantee, who live in Brunswick. Mike and Shantee have graciously volunteered to "van sit" while we are in Marathon for the winter.
So, if it will just warm up a bit, we can head out without freezing the bird!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Where haven't we been, that's the question.
We ended up buying a minivan and driving north. We went to the Catskills in NY to see my sister, Albany to see my son and Massachusetts to see Bev's family. We also spent some time in Newburyport visiting some sailing friends and in Hyannis visiting Bev's friend Jane. Along the way we did a bunch of sightseeing.
Some of the highlights of the trip include an exhibit of Grandma Moses' paintings, Thomas Jefferson's house at Monticello and the Ludwig von Mises institute in Auburn Alabama.
Now we're back on Queequeg cleaning, fixing up and getting ready for a trip south. Our current plans are to spend the winter in the Keys, then come back to Brunswick and pick up the car for another road trip. This time we'll include a cross country trip to California to attend my granddaughter's graduation and visit Ben and his family.
During this summer's trip, we cleaned out my storage locker and had a yard sale. Anything family didn't take, went. We did bring back some clothing so now we have to triage all our old stuff to make room for what we brought back with us. At least we have the minivan to store the overflow. We REALLY need to lighten the boat!
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Our $2000 Mininvan |
Sunday, June 24, 2012
What's happening?
We're in Brunswick, GA at the Brunswick Landing Marina. It looks like Queequeg won't make it any farther north this year.
We started out great, making good time. We were a month behind our times from the last trip when we started, but we caught up to within 5 days. Had we been able to keep going, we would have reached NY ahead of schedule, but thing just didn't work out.
First Tropical Storm Beryl cost us a week. We had a great time waiting her out in New Smyrna Beach, but still it put us behind.
When we reached Jekyl Island, a cold front came by and stalled, giving us thunderstorms every day. We moved a few miles further, stopping at Brunswick.
By the time the front had moved on and the weather became more favorable, we discovered an oil leak in the engine. So now, we're sitting here waiting for parts to fix the engine.
The marina is very nice, with free laundry, nice showers, etc. The town has a few things to offer while we stay here. And it's a great hurricane hole.
It will be another week until the engine is fixed, and that makes it too late to head north. We'd reach NY and MA just in time to turn around and head south again.
So now the plan is to buy a cheap used car and drive north. Not what we really want, but it will get us the chance to visit family while keeping the boat safe from storms.
Wish us luck finding a decent but REALLY cheap car.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Waiting out the storm.
A bit of tropical weather is brewing offshore so we've decided to sit tight for at least one more day. It looks like the storm will come ashore somewhere north of here, near the Georgia border.
We'll just sit tight, change the oil, do some other maintenance and be on our way once this storm clears.
Hard to believe it's out there. Here it's a beautiful day.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
When was the last time...
You had a real sundae at an old fashioned soda fountain?
We're in New Smyrna Beach at a place called "Little's." It's a real old time drug store with a soda fountain.
We had planned on anchoring tonight but our favorite spot was shoaled in too shallow for Queequeg, so we stopped at the city marina. We needed a pumpout anyway, so here we are.
Early enough in the day to walk around town and we discovered Little's.
I know, it's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The Indian River
A most interesting day.
About sunrise this morning, we raised anchor and rolled out the genoa. Sailing off anchor is always a treat, but today it was so quiet! We had, maybe, 3 knots of wind so we ghosted along at a gentle 1.8 knots most of the morning. About 11 or so we added the main and continued at about 2.5 until just after noon. Then the sea breeze kicked in and we were up to 5! As the breeze continued to build I noticed more weather helm than I like. We started flattening and triming the sails to reduce the weather helm and Queequeg said "thanks," kicked up her heels and took off at 6! After a bit, the weather helm came back so we trimed again. Like a thoroughbred racehorse, Queequeg took off at 7! What ride!
After a short while the weather helm came back and we got nervous. We rolled in the genny and the boat settled down to a nice, sane, and comfortable 4.5. We made it to our planned anchorage right on schedule.
I can see that under the right hand and in the right conditions this boat is a rocket!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
OK, so I can't diagnose engine noises...
It turned out that our squeal was a loose alternator belt, not a transmission problem.
Whew! We'll be underway again tomorrow, St. Augustine by next weekend.
I guess it's to be expected...
With a 30 year old boat.
After over 200 miles, we are in a marina for repairs. The transmission started making a loud squeal when we revved up. I ckecked the fluid and it was a bit low. Added more fluid and the noise went away, but why is it leaking?
So we stop to check it out. There is a Yanmar mechanic on site, if needed. I hope not as it would seem there's no easy fix.
As we pulled in yesterday we spotted Great Old Broad, a boat we know from Marathon. Sally is in Chicago at a conference, but Ed drove us to the grocery store and later we met for a few drinks at the bar.
Just pray I can solve the transmssion problem without outside help.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
We are starting to get back into the rhythm of the crusing life. We made another 25 miles today, again motoring with the wind on our nose.
Tomorrow, it looks like we might get to sail across Biscane Bay.
We got to Gilberts Resorth but could not raise them by radio or phone so we saved some money by dropping anchor within sight of the place. Their loss.
We sat here and watched two young pelicans harrass a dolphin. They're lucky dolphins don't eat bird. Otherwise, they would have been dinner!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Well, we are unerway at last.
The weather wasn't perfect, but we went anyway because we want to be at No Name Harbor by Monday. We have go outside around Miami and the weather is forecast to be great on Tuesday.
Today we had the wind on the nose all 27 nm to Islamorada. We planned on motoring anyway to test the strut repairs. Everything worked great and we started learning the rpm/speed curve for the boat. So far it looks like 2200 rpm gives about 5 knots in calm water, 4 knots in a headwind. Not bad.
Tomorrow Gilberts and Mother's day dinner for Bev.
Everyone please wish us good luck.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Strut work.
Oops, accidentally sent a post to the other blog. Sorry.
Strut work is done. Prop cleaned and balanced. We splash tomorrow.
Friday, May 4, 2012
A setback
Well, today was to be the day and we tried, we really tried.
We started out at high tide this morning and got about half way to Long Key. Then we blew a tack and managed to get the genoa sheets hopelessly fouled. So we started the engine but when we revved her up we had a horrible thunking sound. I suspect the prop strut has worked itself loose. (It's never been quite, but we didn't have money in the budget to haul out and fix it.) Now we have to find the money and get it done.
To top off a day of disasters, we ran aground within sight of the dock and had to wait for the tide to come in.
What a day.
On another note, a young couple looked at Walkue yesterday. They called today to say they want to make an offer. Keep your fingers crossed.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Well, the weather wasn't perfect, but the forcast was for it to get worse so we headed out. We motored, with 15 kn of wind dead on the nose, for 13 nm to Driftwood Marina. We plan to spend a few days here to work on Walkure.
The trip was uneventful except for the fact that I had the prop shaft packing nut a hair too tight. We had to keep RPMs low, which kept our speed down. Now I've loosened it a bit so next time we should have no trouble. Otherwise, the boat took the chop like sitting in a rocking chair. We're OK, the boat's OK, Bev handled jumping off to cleat dock lines like a pro. Nice!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Let's see...
Last minute shopping...done.
Oil change...done.
Bottom cleaned...done.
Ground tackle...done.
Stow all gear...well, almost.
We're expecting a bit of a blow tomorrow. We hoped to be on our way, but that might not happen until Sunday or Monday.
Bev worked her last day for the season while I canned another 8 lbs of meat for the trip & changed the oil. Queequeg looks good with a fresh coat of paint and new home port lettering on her transom. I think we're ready. As ready as I can get us.
Wish us luck.
Friday, April 20, 2012
New transom paint & lettering
Getting ready to head out late next week. I repainted the transom and added new lettering.
Watch for more updates as we start our long trek north.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Motor mounts
After much weeping and gnashing of teeth, and the teaching of a few choice words to Morgan, the brand new motor mounts are in at the front of the engine. The back ones will have to last a while longer. At $150 each, we just can't afford 4 at a time. The front 2 actually had broken studs.
Yanmar mounts are specific to each engine, with different mounts front & rear. Not wise to use cheaper after-market knock-offs.
Now comes the pain in the neck task of re-alignment of the engine & prop shaft. Ugh!
A test run in neutral shows a much quieter, smoother running engine.
Last week we put in two new thermostats. Now the motor runs at the right temp & we have hot water! The new heat exchanger works!
Little by little we're becoming a boat. May 1 is fast approaching.
Jane - didn't mean to leave you out, just not up to speed on this update thing. We'll be there.
Tim & Julie - if red boat won't get to the Keys by May, how about a visit @ Titusville like last time?
Chandra - after school, how about a stop in the outer banks?
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Mattress closes
It was sad to see the show come to an end. It has been so much fun and we got to spend time with some wonderful people. We will miss them. On the other hand, our evenings are now free and we can turn our attention to getting the boat read for our planned cruise this summer.
As of right now the big projects that need doing are 1) replace the broken motor mounts and 2) get the standing rigging checked. We would have liked to haul out and do a few things on the bottom, but time and finances aren't in alignment for that yet. We may do a haulout somewhere along the route to get those things done. (Bottom paint, a couple of seacocks, etc.)
Our plan, as it stands now, is to leave Boot Key Harbor somewhere around the first week of May. We'll stop at Driftwood for a few days to retrieve a few things we left on Walkure, give Walkure a good cleaning so she looks presentable for her as yet undiscovered new owners. (If you know anyone in the market for a great boat to "do the Loop." let us know.) Once that is done we plan to race north as quickly as we can to the Chesapeake, see a few things we missed last time, like maybe the Outer Banks, and then finish the Loop in Kingston, NY. It's only been 6 years!
Once we cross our wake we will spend some time with Mike and Kari in Albany, then sail back down the Hudson, work our way through Long Island Sound to Cape Cod, the Vinyard and Nantucket. We'll spend some time with family in MA, then start back south. We expect Jack Frost will be chasing us back down to the Keys.
It's an ambitious trip, but a good part of it is familiar territory since we did it in Walkure. It's only the Chesapeake to Hudson and Hudson to MA sections that we haven't done. With a bigger, heavier, faster boat, we should be OK.
Start watching for updates on a more regular basis now that the show is closed and we are really gearing up for a long cruise. I already canned 9 pounds of chicken for our larder, this week I'll do the same with some ground turkey. The beer and wine are piling up and we are gradually adding to our stock of non-perishables. The less often we have to stop for provisions, the faster the trip will be.
Here's a shot of me as the Wizard, quizzing "Princess #12" in Once Upon a Mattress.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Just testing
Just trying out the Blogger app for our smartphone. If it works it will make updates easier under way. Just over a month until we start our trek north for the summer.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
A visit from my son.
Here are a couple of shots of their visit.
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Mike at the Hemingway House |
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Mike and Kari watching sunset at Mallory Square |
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At the famous "Mile 0" |
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Yep, they saw the Southernmost Point |
I think they had a good time. I know we all ate well including a breakfast at the Stuffed Pig!
On a somewhat less happy note, this week I discovered that two of the four motor mounts on the engine are broken. So now it's a trip to the Yanmar dealer to order a new set. I plan on replacing all four. If two went bad, can the other two be far behind? Then I'll have to figure out how to support the engine while I change out the mounts. At least it's "only" 350 pounds! And we now know the source of that vibration we were getting under power.
Monday, February 27, 2012
New salon floor
Well...I know it's been a while since we updated here on our progress with the refit. There just hasn't been much in the way of new pictures. But today we finally have something to share. While Bev was in California visiting her grandson, I tore out the old salon floor (a umpteen layers) and built a whole new floor. I built a whole grid over and alongside to original floor joists, topped that with 3/4" play and some wood-grain vinyl. I still have to run new moldings around the edge, but I think it's starting to look quite good.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Walkure for sale!
We love this boat, and she has been good to us. She has seen us safely through over 7,000 miles of cruising from the Great Lakes to the Florida Keys and just about everywhere in between. She is the perfect boat for the Great Loop and has served us well in that capacity, but the time has come to move on.
Our "new" boat, Queequeg, is larger and faster and a bit more ocean capable. We have nearly completed the refit of Queequeg and will be cruising her this summer. Meanwhile, Walkure sits on the hard and will soon be in need of some attention. A loving owner will have no trouble bringing her into cruising trim quite quickly. As of now, she needs some cleaning, some new batteries, perhaps a new line or two, some fresh varnish on her brightwork and she'll be ready to go.
We will be away from Marathon for about 6 months starting in late April or early May and we dread the thought of her lying here without us to care for her for so long. Also, it is just too expensive for us to continue to maintain and store two boats.
If you are interested in taking possession of a truly unique and remarkable boat, please leave a comment on this blog. Reasonable offers will be entertained, but we are not giving her away, she means too much to us.