We're getting closer to our departure. Made arrangements for the car; we'll be driving up to the St. Pete area on Thursday to leave the car with our friends Tim and Julie. Then on Friday, we'll rent a car to come back to Marathon. This way, when we get the boat up to St. Pete, we'll have access to the car.
Got the oil changed on the engine, put some fuel in the tank, gathered up some water jugs and started provisioning.
The current plan is to finish provisioning over the weekend, get all secure on the boat on Sunday, relax on Monday, take Morgan for one last grooming, then watch for a window to cross the Bay to Little Shark. The forecast now calls for very light winds on Tuesday so that might mean either waiting another day or motoring across. But then the weather will probably change by then. An easterly about 10 to 15 would be nice, so keep your fingers crossed.
We will be setting our SPOT messenger each night so you can follow our progress. When you see the posts, make sure you click the link. It will take you to a map of where we are that night. Have fun!
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